General medicine case history

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome

A 67 yr old male patient presented to OPD with chief complaints of fever since 7 days and shortness of breath since 2 days

History of Present illness

Patient was apparently Asymptomatic 7 days back then developed fever and shortness of breath 

Fever:Low grade intermittent associated with chills and rigor

Shortness of breath: Grade 2 

Patient had visited to hospital in Nalgonda with the above complaints and investigations are done  HB-10.5 ,TLC 3000 , salmonella typhi O 1.320 salmonella typhi H 1.160   CXR- moderate to severe pleural effusion,thickened septa in right upper lobe

Past history 

Not a known case of DM,Hypertension,TB,epilepsy

Restricted Neck movements 

Family History 

No similar complaints in the family 

Personal History 

Diet : Mixed 

Appetite: Reduced since 1 week

Sleep : Normal

Regular Bowel and Bladder Habits 

Addictions:Occasional  toddy drinker but stopped 1 yr back

General Examination 

No pallor

No icterus

No cyanosis 

No lymphadenopathy 

No clubbing 

No pedal edema


Temperature : Afebrile

Pulse Rate: 76 bpm

BP: 120/90 mm Hg

Systemic Examination 


S1 and S2 heard


Soft and non tender 


Patient is conscious

Speech is normal

Provisional Diagnosis 

Viral Pyrexia with pleural effusion secondary to TB/CAP

Day 1

Pulmonology opinion is taken

USG chest,Dengue serology,sputum for AFB culture,serology for rtpcr advices

Inj Optineuron 1 amp in 100 mp NS IV/OD

Inj PANTOP 40mg iv/od 

Inj NEOMAL 1 amp in 100 ml

Tab PCM 500 mg

Inj Augmentin 1.2mg IV/BD

Tab azithromycin


Dengue rapid test


Serum creatinine 

USG chest


Fever chart


Chest X-ray —

Shows right lower lobe consolidation 

USG chest —

e/o free fluid in Right pleural cavity with few internal echos -Right mild pleural effusion -e/o air sonograms in the peripheral R lower lung parenchyma suggestive of consolidation-no e/o fluid in pleural cavity-lung sliding sign+ deepest pocket 7-8 mm

Diagnosis: Viral Pyrexia (Dengue NS1+) with pleural effusion with right lower consolidation secondary to TB/CAP



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